Nov 15, 2023

Turkey Day is nearly upon us, a time for food, family, and the endless struggle between the fourth quarter of the Cowboys game and tryptophan-induced drowsiness.

It’s a season that calls for reflection, for renewed appreciation of the things that make life worthwhile. Whether you’re on your way to the Beach Plum Farmers Market or driving the family home from Grandma’s house, the constant travel of the holidays is a reminder that we should also be thankful for reliable vehicles.

That’s in large part because today’s automobiles have much to be thankful for themselves. Thanks to a litany of modern features, driving today is safer and more comfortable than ever. Here’s a four-course meal of recent and semi-recent automotive innovations we should all give thanks to:

Collision Avoidance Technology 

The invention of the airbag was a revolutionary step in automobile safety, providing a life-saving layer of protection in the event of an accident. But in today’s world, the priority has shifted to avoiding such incidents altogether. That’s where collision avoidance systems, or CAS’s, come in.

The first (extremely rudimentary) rearview backup camera was introduced way back with the 1956 Buick Centurion, and today, that feature comes standard with most new vehicles. But automobile manufacturers’ aspirations have evolved to incorporate comprehensive driver assist systems. These systems not only alert drivers to nearby vehicles but can also assume total autonomy of the vehicle’s functions when a potential collision is detected. With CAS, it’s like you always have a co–pilot with you, and every day its presence saves lives. 

Mobile App Interconnectivity 

The world is more connected than ever, and your car is now a key part of that eternal web. Though Bluetooth connectivity and similar means of interfacing your phone to your vehicle have been around for over a decade, we’re currently seeing a surge in connected mobile apps. 

For many automakers, it’s become an elevated priority for their vehicles to connect with as many compatible apps as possible, making the transition from your home or office to your new Honda CR-V feel seamless. Assuming this trend persists, an updated version of this blog a decade from now may be more focused on what your vehicle can’t do.

LED Headlights 

Since arriving on the scene in 2004, LED (short for “Light-Emitting Diode”) headlights have become the preferred choice of many manufacturers – specifically luxury brands. LED lights offer plenty of advantages over more traditional halogen and tungsten lights, including longer lifespans, increased visibility, and less electricity use. As a result, the cost of headlight maintenance significantly lowers thanks to LED.

We may not have the capability to fully replicate daylight driving during our evening commutes just yet, but LED is illuminating the way forward regardless.

EcoBoost Engines 

Every technological upgrade in the world is for nought if we don’t have a world to begin with. Ford’s EcoBoost engine, a turbocharged, direct-injection petrol engine, was primarily designed as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional engines. The goal was to deliver comparable power and torque while significantly enhancing fuel efficiency. Thanks to this eco-conscious approach, EcoBoost engines are able to achieve 20% improved fuel economy while emitting 15% less greenhouse emissions.

As we peer deeper into our automotive future, electric vehicles and green-first options seem destined to become more ubiquitous. Less costly and more versatile than purely gas or diesel engines, EcoBoost engines should only continue to grow in popularity.

The Rest is Gravy 

We have plenty to be thankful for here at Avalon Honda: our beautiful Cape May location, its vibrant community, and most of all, our loyal customers. As vehicular technology continues to evolve and expand, we remain committed to providing you with Honda’s newest models. Our entire inventory of new and used vehicles is like an elegant Thanksgiving spread – plentiful, variable, and there for your fulfillment. Bon Appétit, and have a tremendous holiday!